Fenton Art Glass Presents. . . Reference Materials and More!

"new" collectors of Fenton Art Glass may need resources for
researching their collectibles. Excellent reference materials
for Fenton Art Glass are available, including the "Glass
Messenger" quarterly publication (last issue June 2007),
original Fenton Art Glass catalogs and books about Fenton Art
Glass. Check out the reference material links below:
There are also many glass experts across the country who are
avid Fenton art glass collectors. Many of these people belong
to one of the independent Fenton Collector Clubs. Each club
has a newsletter and an annual convention for its members.
Joining one or more of these clubs is a great way to learn
more about Fenton art glass.
These national organizations include:
NEW Limited Edition
Designs from Fenton Gift Shop. . .
Fenton Gift Shop is pleased to offer this latest selection of
Limited Edition glass! Each piece features a design by our
talented Fenton designers, and will be hand painted,
signed, numbered, and dated by the artist. Included in this
grouping are five figurines: an 11" Alley Cat, a 5" Stylized Cat, a 5" long Duck,
a 6" Owl, and a 2.5" Mouse. Also included are two vases: a
10.5" Vase and an approx. 11" Vase, each
piece handcrafted in Opal Satin by Mosser Glass. These
Limited Editions were made exclusively
for the Fenton Gift Shop, using a Fenton mould and then
returned to Fenton Art Glass Company where our
talented artists created these wonderful designs.
Kim Barley is already thinking about
"Valentine's Day" and her "heart is good for the soul!" hand
painted design is purrrrfect for this 11" tall Tuscan Pink
Alley Cat! From hearts and whimsical scrolling accents
to a little ladybug near a flowerpot blooming with heart
flowers, this Alley Cat is sure to bring a smile!
Each Heart 'n Soul Alley Cat Figurine is

Michelle Kibbe's "Swimming Lessons" design on
this Opal Satin Vase is wonderful. Her hand painted details
are very realistic (note the inset close-up of the mother duck
with her duckling). Michelle added a darker blue hue for the
bottom of the vase with complementary greens blending to the
top. The scene encircles the vase with pin stripe accents.
Each Swimming Lessons Opal Satin Vase is

If you like the "Swimming Lessons" Vase, then you'll fall in
love with our "Ducklings at Play" Duck Figurine. Michelle
continues her theme and creatively uses the figurine as her
canvas for playful ducklings. Note the duckling splashing into the water and
the other one timidly waiting on the rocks! Michelle's hand
painted details are marvelous!
Each Ducklings at Play Figurine is $80.
Pre-orders for the
Heart 'n Soul Alley Cat Figurine, the
Swimming Lesson Vase and the Ducklings at Play Figurine
will be
accepted until midnight (ET) on Monday, January 9th, 2017.
To order any of these Limited Editions, please call Fenton Gift Shop:
1-800-319-7793, ext. 342 or send us an email:
purchasing@fentongiftshop.com and include the
name(s) of each item you would like to purchase in the subject
line. You may also request us to add your name to our mailing list for
future Limited Edition release notifications.
of you experiencing the first touches of winter weather will
soon be daydreaming about warmer climates when you
display this colorful "Pink
Flamingo" Vase designed by Kim Barley! A festive vase to
brighten up any dreary winter day!
Colorful pink and blue hues with vivid flower accents
provide a beautiful background for Kim's marvelous hand
painted Flamingo. Did you know?. . . The color of a Flamingo's feathers
is a result of the pigments in its diet of shrimp, algae and
crustaceans. The visible "knee" of the
flamingo is actually its ankle joint! The knee can't be seen
because of the feathers. The Flamingo depicted on this vase is
definitely "in the pink!"
Each Pink Flamingo Vase is $145.

Michelle's creativity continues to shine with a delightful hand painted scene on
our 6" tall Opal Satin Owl figurine.
A gray squirrel peeking out from its
home inside of a tree may be eyeing those acorns that are just
beyond its reach.
Michelle airbrushed the entire figurine in natural tones
and added realistic details.
Note those talons and the watchful eyes! Each Acorn Owl
Figurine is $100.