Fenton Gift Shop Presents. . .
NEW Limited Edition Glass!
Fenton Gift Shop is pleased to offer a new
selection of Limited Editions! Each piece features a design by
our award-winning Fenton artists, and will be hand painted,
signed, numbered, and dated by the artist.
Included in this grouping are an Opal Satin Owl 6" figurine, a
9" Opal Satin Candy Box and an 8" Crown Tuscan Chessie Cat
Covered Box, each handcrafted by our friends at Mosser Glass. Also
included is a 14" Opal Satin Vase made by Davis-Lynch Glass. These pieces were made exclusively
for the Fenton Gift Shop, using a Fenton mould, and returned
to our factory where our talented designers created these
wonderful Limited Edition designs!
Right: Frances Burton's design for this Opal
Satin Owl figurine includes warm blue hues on the chest and
back of this figurine blended with natural tones for the legs
and wings.
Note those expressive eyes! The hand painted
feathery details on the chest area resemble freckles, hence our name
for this figurine, "Freckles". Each
Freckles the Owl Figurine is $90.

You'll simply be delighted to display our
"Pumpkins Delight" Opal Satin Candy Box! Frances Burton chose
to depict these smiling jack-o-lanterns and her seasonal
design encircles the candy box. The lid is sprayed in a soft
blue hue to resemble the sky and the bottom has been finished
to the green grass of Fall.
Note the reddish tints between behind the
pumpkins. This scene reminded us of an ancient rhyme used by
sailors to forecast the weather: "Red sky at night, sailors'
delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning."
This rhyme is based on the reddish glow of the
morning or evening sky, caused by haze or clouds related to
storms in the region. If you see red clouds in the evening,
sunlight must have a clear path from the west, so the
prevailing westerly wind must be bringing clear skies - "Red
skies at night, Sailors delight" or, in this case,
"Pumpkins Delight!" Each Pumpkins Delight Candy Box
is $160.
Pre-orders for the
Freckles the Owl Figurine and the Pumpkins Delight
Candy Box
will be accepted until midnight (ET) on Monday,
August 1, 2016. Please contact Fenton Gift Shop:
1-800-319-7793, ext. 342 or email:

This impressive 14" Opal Satin Vase provides
the perfect canvas for Robin's amazing hand painted "Peacock
Beauty" design. Did you know. . . The tail feathers of
a peacock can spread out in a train that is more than 60
percent of the bird’s total body length! Each feather boasts
colorful "eye" markings of blue, gold, red, and other hues.
The male's large train is used in courtship displays, and can
be arched into a magnificent fan that reaches across the
bird's back to touch the ground on either side. It is believed
that females choose their mates according to the size, color,
and quality of these magnificent feather trains. The male is
called a "peacock" and the females are "peahens". Together,
they are called "peafowl". Robin added gemstone accents to
create the iridescent beauty of those tail feathers. We're
sure this vase will start many a conversation when displayed
in your home! Each Peacock Beauty
Vase is $235.

Frances Burton created a heartwarming scene on
this Crown Tuscan Chessie Cat Covered Box. The little gray cat
snuggles in a pink blanket amongst the delicate flowers.
Frances continues her lovely floral design on the back of the
vase and it also encircles the lid! This would make a perfect
accent piece for a child's nursery or wonderful gift (filled
with special treats) for a cat enthusiast or treat yourself!
Each Cuddles The Chessie Cat
Covered Box is $145.
Pre-orders for the
Peacock Beauty Vase
and the Cuddles The Chessie Cat Covered Box
will be accepted until midnight (ET) on Wednesday,
August 3rd, 2016. Please contact Fenton Gift Shop:
1-800-319-7793, ext. 342 or email:
purchasing@fentongiftshop.com. You may also request that we add your email address to
Fenton Gift Shop's mailing list to receive future limited
edition notifications. |