USA Jewelry Presents. . . Celebrate March Madness
with NEW
Collegiate Jewelry!
Show your team spirit during March
Madness and throughout the year with the Fenton USA
Collegiate Jewelry collection!
This line of handcrafted jewelry includes
colorful art glass beads in two sizes as well as
bracelets with a coordinating leather cord. More than 40
colleges and universities across the United States are
now represented in Fenton’s Collegiate Jewelry
Each art glass bead displays the school's
officially licensed logo artwork. Color coordinated Vasa
Murrhina glass beads with sparkling Goldstone are also
available for each college or university. Fenton offers
a wide selection of sterling silver accessories,
including chains, bracelets and pendants to complete a
fashion ensemble.
Shown above are a few selections from our
Collegiate collection paired with our line of jewelry
accessories. To view the complete Collegiate Jewelry collection,
click here, and be sure to check back for new
additions! Click on each image to order. The
Fenton USA Jewelry Collegiate collection is available from the Fenton Art Glass
or from your favorite Fenton dealer.
To locate a Fenton dealer near you,
Basketball Blasts from the Fenton Family's Past. . .
As we root for our favorite team during
"March Madness", we thought we'd share a few "Basketball
Blasts from the Fenton Family's Past." Fenton family
members from the second and third generations have
always enjoyed participating in basketball. Shown below, far left: Frank
M. Fenton stood 6' 7" tall when he played basketball for
Marietta College in 1933-34. He was fond of saying that
he was actually "5 foot 19 inches".
Frank's son Tom recalls the basketball backboard on
the edge of their paved driveway with bushes beyond. "We
played a lot,"
he said. "One on one or 2-on-2. Dinner waited while we tried
to get to 11 baskets, or 15, or whatever was 'game.'" Robust
competition often landed a Fenton among the evergreens, amidst
laughter and references to the "bush dragons" claiming yet
another victim.

Frank M. Fenton, 1933-34 |

The "Fenton Five" (back row and
first on bottom left) pose with some of their
teammates after winning an Industrial League
Championship game in the Marietta Recreation Department
League in the 1970s. Other team members included Fenton
employees. |
Imagine this starting lineup in the
1970s: Mike Fenton, 6 foot 6; Tom Fenton, 6 foot 4; George
Fenton, 6 foot 4; Don Fenton, 6 foot 1; and Randy
Fenton, 6 foot even. Yes, the five third-generation
Fenton men were together on the court when they played
basketball in the Marietta City League on a team
sponsored by . . . who else? . . . the Fenton Art Glass
Company! Can you name and place the "Fenton Five" in the
Fenton Gift Shop Taking Orders
NEW Limited Editions. . .
Shown above are two new designs being offered as Fenton Gift Shop
Limited Editions. For a limited time, Fenton Gift Shop
is now taking orders on each of these selections. Orders
will be accepted on these two pieces until midnight (ET) on Monday, March 23rd, 2015.
These pieces were handcrafted in Buttercream glass, a color
wonderfully reminiscent of the Chinese Yellow color first
popularized by Fenton in the 1920s. Both of these pieces were designed and handpainted by award-winning Fenton designer Frances Burton.
She will sign and date each piece. The
wonderful Bowl on Stand has a lovely vining floral design
surrounding the entire bowl and is $175.00 each and includes
the antique brass stand.
The Chessie Box, priced at $225.00 each, has the adorable Chessie
Cat snuggled in its bed. The back of this box has a barn in
the country scene.
Shown above is a stately and elegant Amphora
with burnished brass stand. The Amphora is handcrafted in Opal
Satin glass by our friends at Davis Lynch using a Fenton mould
and features a beautiful handpainted design by Kim Barley.
This Amphora provides the perfect canvas for Kim's hydrangea
blooms, gold accents and hovering butterfly. This Fenton Gift
Shop limited edition Amphora, with stand, is $295. This
Limited Edition Cobalt Flip Vase, made by our friends at
Mosser Glass using a Fenton mould, features a wonderful winter
handpainted scene of a deer and a cardinal by Robin Spindler.
The Flip Vase is priced at $250 each. Orders for these two
pieces will be accepted until midnight (ET) on Wednesday,
March 25th.
To place your order for the limited edition
selections shown here, please call Fenton
Gift Shop: 1-800-319-7793, ext. 342 or email:
purchasing@fentongiftshop.com. You may also request to
have your email added to a mailing list in order to receive
future notifications of limited editions as they become
During March, Fenton Gift Shop is open on Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (ET).
Fenton Gift Shop is closed on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
Hours listed are "weather permitting" and we suggest you call
to confirm these hours before planning your visit.

Frequent Buyer Program. . . Earn
YOUR Free Limited Edition Bead!
Here's your opportunity to receive
a beautiful limited edition bead absolutely FREE!
ten beads from any authorized Fenton jewelry dealer or
from our website: www.fentonartglass.com and you'll qualify for a bonus
Click here
for details! We are now offering the limited edition Gracie
(decorated) and Mikayla (Vasa Murrhina) beads shown at right.
Click here to view our
handcrafted art glass beads. NOTE: If you have purchased ten beads, let us know
if we haven't notified you. . . please send us an email at
askfenton@fentonartglass.com and put Frequent Buyer
Qualifier in the subject line.
Fenton Custom Designs for Beads. . .
We've received many requests for specially designed beads. Most
of these designs
are exclusive to one retailer or organization, so we can
not sell them on our website. If your group or store is interested
in a custom designed
bead, please call us for details at
1-800-933-6766, ext. 209.
Click here
to view a list of custom designed beads with contact
info for the retailers or organization from whom you may purchase
them. Be sure to check back as we will be updating this list
Please contact the retailer or organization listed beside
each Custom Design bead . . . and be sure to say you saw it mentioned in the Fenton
Shown here is the Sunflower bead for
Ferguson Gallery, featuring raised red glass centers on a blue
bead with hand applied sunflowers decoration. To purchase this
bead, please contact Ferguson Gallery, located in
Marblehead, Ohio, at 419-734-0600 or email:
Fenton eBay Auctions. . .
Here's your
to own a unique, rare, one-of-a-kind
art glass creation, through our weekly eBay Auctions!
Items featured this week. . .
Shown at left are the three very unique items
featured this week. Included are a one-of-a-kind Rosalene glass
Perfume Bottle with crystal stopper handpainted and signed by Kim
Barley. Fenton's classic Rosalene glass contains pure gold in the
formula which creates the soft pink blush color on this perfume
bottle. Kim used 22k gold to accent her beautiful handpainted
The one-of-a-kind Opal Satin Doll figurine was
handpainted by Robin Spindler. Note the gemstone accents!
This unique crystal paperweight
was made by Bob St. Clair (circa 1970s) It has his personal stamp on the
bottom and includes the original sticker.
This Fenton eBay Auction ends on Wednesday, March 25th at Noon (ET).
Find beautiful Fenton glass
jewelry via our website with these categories:
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