All of us at Fenton
Art Glass
in Williamstown, West Virginia, USA,
wish you and yours a
We look forward to our 106th year of creating
innovations in handmade colored art glass in 2011.
Watch for our upcoming newsletters
featuring the Spring 2011 offering. New shapes and designs in our
vibrant Orange Slice and Buttercup colors; special Valentine's Day
selections in Lavender Satin; a beautiful, heartwarming Vase for Mother's Day
with a Robin Spindler design; Baskets, Eggs, Figurines, Hen on
Nest Covered Boxes, and Roosters for Easter and Spring, plus many
more collector favorites.
We'll be introducing our new
collection, which we call Forever Gifts . . .
affordable, handcrafted glass accessories
in four vibrant trend colors for that special Forever Gift!
Click here for our most recent glass
offering from Fenton USA. To locate a Fenton dealer near
click here.
Be sure to visit us often this year at
for exciting new offerings!
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This email has been sent to you because you have agreed to receive offers and
information from the Fenton Art Glass Company. We respect your privacy and do
not sell your personal information. For details, please review our
privacy policy. New Year's Graphic
courtesy of Free Gifs & Animations: http://www.fg-a.com
How to unsubscribe: If you prefer not to receive
offers or information from Fenton Art Glass, please
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please make certain that you can receive our email by adding
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click here.
The sender of this email is the Fenton Art Glass
Co., 700 Elizabeth St., Williamstown, WV, 26187