Fenton USA Presents. . . New Poppies on Blush Rose!

(Williamstown, WV, July 31, 2009). Appealing to the eye and
pleasing to the ear. . . baskets and bells are delightful for
decorating or simply to enjoy. . .and nobody does baskets and bells
like Fenton. . . handcrafted in the USA with amazing skill! Our new
Blush Rose glass provides the perfect canvas for designer Kim
Barley's lovely
Poppies on Blush Rose motif.
Included in this new grouping are a
7-1/2" oval basket and a 6-1/2" Aurora bell. The oval basket has a
diamond optic pattern and a fine rib twisted handle. Each basket
features a distinctive handler's mark. The basket handler has less
than 30 seconds to accomplish his tasks: attach a glowing ribbon of
molten glass to one side of the basket; deftly twist the rapidly
cooling glass; stick it to the other side; impress the base of each
side of the handle with his handler's mark; and finally, fashion the
handle into a graceful arch.
The Aurora pattern of our bell was inspired by a ca. 1920s motif at
U.S. Glass. The perfect addition to a bell collection!
Item 8637HK 7-1/2" Oval Basket retails for $99.50 U.S.
Item 9667HK 6-1/2'' Aurora Bell retails for $49.50 U.S.
Fenton USA continues its longstanding traditions of craftsmanship
and quality with
new glass colors, handpainted decorations and limited editions.
Creating spectacular colored art glass for more than a century in
their Williamstown, West Virginia location, Fenton Art Glass Company
represents American handcrafted glass artistry. For four
generations, Fenton family members have remained active in the
business and are
proud to continue an American glassmaking tradition begun in 1905.
Call 800-933-6766 for more information or visit